Alyssa Hood
Alyssa Hood, Co-Owner and CEO has worked in the embryo transfer industry since 1995 when she was hired by AB Technology, Inc as part of their administrative team. Her focus was behind the scenes in accounting and finance and her position encompassed all aspects of the company’s operations where she helped develop a cohesive, efficient and profitable manufacturing facility. Transitioning through three different ownerships from three different countries broadened her experience and gave her a great opportunity within an industry that quickly became near and dear to her heart.
In 2017, Alyssa took the plunge with Kathy Shearer and opened ABT 360, offering high quality, consistent embryo transfer products backed with exceptional customer service just like the business they helped grow over the previous 20+ years. Building a company based on these goals plus the opportunity to continue working in the embryo transfer market with her closest colleague and friend made the decision to move forward an easy one.
Outside of ABT, Alyssa spends her time with her two daughters along with her immediate family who almost all live nearby. She enjoys helping on the family farm, hiking to her family’s little cabin in the woods and experiencing the Pacific North West and the beautiful rolling hills of the Palouse.